A path to skilful leadership
Discover what really matters in leadership, how it works, and what you as a leader can do throughout your life to increase your impact on the world.
Sally-Anne Airey
Author, leadership coach
Hello, and welcome to my website for Mindful Command, a book that leaders I’ve worked with have been urging me to write for years…
I’m Sally-Anne Airey, leadership coach, former Royal Navy officer and creator of the Evolving Leadership programme for leaders and influencers who care about their impact on the world. Mindful Command is the leadership framework at the heart of that programme. It’s been tried, tested, refined many times over and has changed many people’s lives too. Now I’m sharing it with you.
I’ve written the book to be a good read, as well as a practical and useful companion. I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know below what you think.
What people are saying about Mindful Command….
“Sally-Anne has an exceptional understanding of what good leadership is…this is a go-to guide to keep handy at all times.”
Francisco Lobbosco
Group CEO, FutureLife
“For leaders who understand that their growth depends on inner work, this is essential reading.”
Professor Megan Reitz
Professor Leadership and Diaogue, Hult International Business School
“I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone aspiring to develop their leadership presence and skill.”
Vice Admiral Sir David Steel
Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Gibraltar
‘In this accessible gem of a book Sally-Anne gives us a genuinely usable and practical framework to support the vital inner work that sustains effective authentic leadership.”
Diane Newell
Editor of ‘Coaching and Mentoring’, Managing Director Discovery, The OCM Group
“The best leaders do not leave their humanity at the office door and Sally-Anne understands this better than most people I know…No evolving leader should be without this refined and delightfully readable book.”
Brian Garish
President, Mars Veterinary International
“Easy and quick to read, ‘Mindful Command’ offers not only insight and wisdom, but, more importantly, real-world application.”
Squadron Leader Jon Peters
Former Gulf War POW, author, business coach
What’s in the book?
Real success as a leader depends not on what you do, but on how you are. Motivating people to give of their best is about being your best – consistently. This book shows you how. It’s a concise, practical guide for busy people: easy to read, illustrated with powerful real-life stories and packed with practices that really work.
Publication date 28 September 2023
What is Mindful Command?
It’s a simple framework for continually improving your presence, impact and skill as a leader, with practical guidance on how to do the inner work necessary for consistently powerful presence and impact.
Why Mindful Command?
The apparently contradictory name brings together a concept from my experience of naval leadership and my own mindfulness practice. It’s a powerful combination and the book reveals why.
What’s evolving leadership?
The book’s subtitle, ‘The Way of the Evolving Leader’, speaks to the fact that leadership is an integral life skill that can be learned and developed over time. The Mindful Command framework offers both a place to start and a long-term support for that journey.
‘Evolving Leadership’ is also the name of my 9-month leadership programme.
Contact Sally-Anne
I welcome discussion and questions about my work. If you’d like to talk to me about Mindful Command, ask a specific question or enquire about coaching or my Evolving Leadership programme, please get in touch. I look forward to hearing from you.